God’s will for me…
I KNOW that Scripture says our purpose is to glorify God with my life.
I believe I glorify God in my life through my obedience to His words.
His words are… umm… a lot!
But when asked what the most important commandment was, Jesus said that loving God was first and the second was loving our neighbors as ourselves.
I love God by obeying Him and loving others.
I love others by… well one of the ways is by meeting others’ needs around me. Helping others when they need the help (usually when they can’t get something done on their own).
So, I read the Bible to know what His words are and strive to obey them in my life… which requires trust. And then I’d like to live my life more aware of those who are in need around me (family, friends or strangers)… and not be too quick to say “no, I can’t help you today—but what about tomorrow”.
Around me right now I have very needy people. I mainly have Jonas and Mya—who cannot feed themselves, clothe themselves, put themselves to sleep, change their own diapers, take a bath, brush their teeth/gum, go to the park on their own, etc. So it is my responsibility to help them and meet their basic needs.
I believe it is to God’s glory that I take care of my children’s needs.
A day schedule “could” go something like this—IF I sleep through the night… IF daddy’s not home… IF there’s nothing else planned (appts, etc), which means I’ve never done this just like this in one day…. it’s just an idea… not necessarily my ideal :):
5 am Feed Mya
8 am Feed Mya/change diaper
8:30 am Change Jonas’ diaper/Breakfast with Jonas
9:30 am Clean up kitchen/do one load of laundry
10:00 am Mya sleeps. Jonas and I watch t.v. (Sesame street is great nowadays/play the next day with his toys instead of tv or go outside to play/and alternate)
(while tv plays, I clean up living room and dining room; when we play, Jonas and I pick up his bedroom and toys after we play;
11 am Snack with Jonas (tuna sandwich or with crackers).
11:30 am Feed Mya/change diaper; Jonas plays.
12:00 pm Bathe Mya or Jonas and get them ready.
12:30 pm Make lunch; eat lunch
1:30 pm Jonas and Mya take a nap.
--I take this time to: make important phone calls and cross out to do items for the day (as many as possible in the time allotted)/ put away laundry.
2:30 pm pick up kitchen if sesame st. day/ pick up living rm and dining rm if not.
3:00 pm feed Mya/Help Jasmill with college apps
4:00 pm Snack with Jonas/Go outside. (playdate; park; walk outside; visit family; etc)… (if we went out in the morning, we may stay in through the afternoon… or vice versa)
6:00 pm Prep dinner/Jonas eats dinner. Feed Mya.
7:15 pm Clean up kitchen.
7:30 pm Rest time… as is possible… read with Jonas.
8 pm Jonas has time with daddy then bed time for Jonas.
8:30 pm Daddy and mommy eat dinner. I do dishes… and get ready for bed—pick up bedroom and bathroom.
9:30 pm Mya’s last feeding.
10-12 pm My time (depending…)
Doing this everyday could make me go crazy… which is why this can’t be done everyday. I go with the day’s flow and am flexible.
I wish everyday of his life was the same… I know the importance of routine. But since Jonas is not going to school… we’re not being strict about a specific bedtime. I can always make sure he’s sleepy earlier or later… by manipulating nap time. If he will be awake late into the night… he naps later. If he will be going to bed earlier… we may have nap time earlier.
Hubby has decided to prep dinner on the days he’s off. Yay!! He likes it and reminds him of his father. And we’ve decided he should actually have ‘off’ days. Too much work can make us both cranky.