My pregnancy with Mya
Was not that comfortable… compared to my first pregnancy.
I went to my friends’ wedding and I thought I’d be able to ‘dance all night’ like I did with my first… but, no. I was so uncomfortable and crampy, I couldn’t dance much at all.
I was so crampy by the last month. So uncomfortable. I’d be walking and suddenly I’d get a strong cramp on one side of my hip. I’d have to hold on to someone or something. I felt so handicapped. I was afraid to do anything… lift, even walk at times, thinking I’d get the cramp.
Mya was due June 30th. She was born a day after—July 1st. I secretly did pray it was in July… (thank you God). I just wanted her in July because Jonas was in August… so they’re right next to each other :) Maybe the next one will come in June… just kidding. Ok, maybe not.
My water did not brake first this time around. I felt like a new mom, asking people ‘how does it feel when you’re in labor?’ ‘How will I know I’m in labor if my water doesn’t brake?’ Lesson learned: Umm. People forget so easily. Well, people like me. The doc said this is why women keep having children :).
The answer to my questions: You’ll KNOW when you’re in labor.
I kept hearing that the 2nd baby comes faster. My fear was that I’d be in labor, not know it, and then have the baby without an expert around. :D and then my midwife said: “you’ve been watching too much t.v.” Yeah. You know that show ‘I didn’t know I was pregnant’?… I don’t watch it anymore.
Labor with Mya
So, I knew I was in labor when at 1 a.m. I’m feeling contractions but they’re not stopping… they continue around every 5-10 min and they’re stronger than my ‘cramps’. So, I get up, and call the nurse to let her know and to remind me when I should go to the hospital. I just have to wait until the pain is so strong that I can’t talk during a contraction. I think knowing this, I started thinking that I couldn’t talk anymore during a contraction :0 Well, I waited until the pain got stronger. I couldn’t sleep… so I cleaned and asked DH to help me some. And so I was awake and ready in the middle of the night. I couldn’t believe my husband was sleeping. I thought he should be chatting with me. So I felt neglected. (I was so energized, emotional, and sensitive). Not sleeping ended up being a BIG MISTAKE!
Okay so I go to the hospital around 6-7 a.m. I’m eventually told that (although I’m having consistent contractions every 5-7 min) I’m not really in labor yet. These contractions didn’t get ‘closer’ like my first pregnancy… they continued 5-7 min. They just felt really strong when they did come. So the nurse asks me to go for a walk around Boston (where the hospital was located) or go watch a movie etc. since I wasn’t dilating. YEAH RIGHT! I was crying the whole time mainly in between contractions because I wanted to sleep. I was sooo sleepy I couldn’t think, and I didn’t want to go through labor or watch a movie… I just wanted to sleep. So I asked the nurse if I could just go home so I could sleep… and she says no… since they never know how fast I may be ready.
I ended up just staying in the hospital… I had some nurses who talked her out of her ideas… and to let me sleep some.
I wanted an epidural right away so I could sleep (I knew I would have it), but they said they don’t give epidurals until I’m 4 cm dilated. Dang, I still had to go through pain to give birth :) I learned how to relax (I call it ‘take the pain without screaming-just grit your teeth’ :))… Water helped me—I’m not sure why… and helped me dilate faster… in both pregnancies.
At 5 cm. epidural was given… and I slept a bit. Yay!
I gave birth to Mya at 8:38 p.m. And I recovered in a room # 838… hmm. weird. I guess she was out in 2 pushes… I think 5 min. I guess this is impressive, but it just seems normal to me. There was a teeny bit of meconium, so she didn’t come out right into my arms… she came and first was thoroughly cleaned by docs. I thought they were taking too long, so I started telling them to ‘give me my baby’… lol, I’m silly.
Mya wasn’t so alert… she was sleepy. She sleeps a lot. She always sleeps… I was trying to wake her up in the beginning to try and feed her in the middle of the night. Today… at 2 mths, I’m proud to say she sleeps from around 9 p.m. to around 5 a.m. (give or take an hour) and she’s growing very well:)… thank you God.
Wait… I think she just woke up (12:40 am). Hmm. There goes my boast of her sleeping through the night :)
Lesson learned: It doesn’t always go as you plan… or… once you think you got a routine down, it changes on ya… or… once you think they sleep through the night… they don’t :)
I love my little girl.
1 comment:
Mya, God forbid that one day we know, as I think it will be soon before I leave this world ... Your Grandpa who loves you ... Michael Rone
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